I believe that with a strong passion is a gift, it is a gift.
Goethe said, " Passion is defective or virtue, depending on whether or not to
maximize it ." It's true passion is without boundaries and limitations .
I read an article in Paolo Lepri in the Italy Evening Post just, the title
of the article is "passion", expression love should immediately. "Passion is not
just another way of expression of love", this is the first article he wrote. The
author chose five articles about passion literature to express the theme -- from
James Joyce's "Dubliners" to Giorgio Bassani Cinque Storie Ferraresi, from Alice
Munro's "escape" to Javier Mar í as Your Face Tomorrow, the last is the Austrian
Lha Pamuk "naive" -- he claimed the museum one can perform a passion "for life
itself, for the body, for fear, for all does not exist, even as the ideology, as
Pierpaolo Pasolini wrote...... You can even start a passion for others.
Indeed, passion not just and love, passion can be produced in many
environments. We all believe that passion value, when a plan or scheme, passion
is an essential component. Passion can make our efforts and sacrifices -- such
as an artist creating art of passion, a passion for writers, composers and music
passion -- this is an extremely important. Passion is the reason for our
existence. In order to others happiness passion can inspire us to make the
choice of life. I believe, have a strong passion is a talent, this is a gift.
Gerd said, "passion is defective or virtue, depends on whether it will play to
the extreme." This is true, there is no boundaries and limits of passion.xzzqlcy$0723